[page:Mesh] →


A special version of [page:Mesh] with instanced rendering support. Use [name] if you have to render a large number of objects with the same geometry and material but with different world transformations. The usage of [name] will help you to reduce the number of draw calls and thus improve the overall rendering performance in your application.


[example:webgl_instancing_dynamic WebGL / instancing / dynamic]
[example:webgl_instancing_modified WebGL / instancing / modified]
[example:webgl_instancing_performance WebGL / instancing / performance]
[example:webgl_instancing_scatter WebGL / instancing / scatter]
[example:webgl_instancing_raycast WebGL / instancing / raycast]


[name]( [param:BufferGeometry geometry], [param:Material material], [param:Integer count] )

[page:BufferGeometry geometry] - an instance of [page:BufferGeometry].
[page:Material material] - an instance of [page:Material]. Default is a new [page:MeshBasicMaterial].
[page:Integer count] - the number of instances.


See the base [page:Mesh] class for common properties.

[property:Integer count]

The number of instances. The *count* value passed into the constructor represents the maximum number of instances of this mesh. You can change the number of instances at runtime to an integer value in the range [0, count].

If you need more instances than the original count value, you have to create a new [name].

[property:InstancedBufferAttribute instanceColor]

Represents the colors of all instances. *null* by default. You have to set its [page:BufferAttribute.needsUpdate needsUpdate] flag to true if you modify instanced data via [page:.setColorAt]().

[property:InstancedBufferAttribute instanceMatrix]

Represents the local transformation of all instances. You have to set its [page:BufferAttribute.needsUpdate needsUpdate] flag to true if you modify instanced data via [page:.setMatrixAt]().


See the base [page:Mesh] class for common methods.

[method:undefined dispose]()

Frees the internal resources of this instance.

[method:undefined getColorAt]( [param:Integer index], [param:Color color] )

[page:Integer index]: The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].

[page:Color color]: This color object will be set to the color of the defined instance.

Get the color of the defined instance.

[method:undefined getMatrixAt]( [param:Integer index], [param:Matrix4 matrix] )

[page:Integer index]: The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].

[page:Matrix4 matrix]: This 4x4 matrix will be set to the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.

Get the local transformation matrix of the defined instance.

[method:undefined setColorAt]( [param:Integer index], [param:Color color] )

[page:Integer index]: The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].

[page:Color color]: The color of a single instance.

Sets the given color to the defined instance. Make sure you set [page:.instanceColor][page:BufferAttribute.needsUpdate .needsUpdate] to true after updating all the colors.

[method:undefined setMatrixAt]( [param:Integer index], [param:Matrix4 matrix] )

[page:Integer index]: The index of an instance. Values have to be in the range [0, count].

[page:Matrix4 matrix]: A 4x4 matrix representing the local transformation of a single instance.

Sets the given local transformation matrix to the defined instance. Make sure you set [page:.instanceMatrix][page:BufferAttribute.needsUpdate .needsUpdate] to true after updating all the matrices.


[link:https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/[path].js src/[path].js]